
SOPU-ORPHANAGE cares for orphaned children in order to offer them opportunities for a healthy and fulfilling life. There are currently 10 girls, ages 4 to 8.  

The goal of SOPU-Orphanage is to help children understand that they play an important role in the world, and create strong values for these children so they can flourish into wonderful women. We also improve their values through schooling, to guide them to become independent and strong women.

At this time, Haiti does not have the resources or infrastructure to support children who are economically and emotionally challenged. SOPU-ORPHANAGE is committed to putting these kids in a good position to strive and succeed in life. SOPU-ORPHANAGE will continue to push social boundaries in education, health and social realities. We will create change and contribute to a free and honest Haiti.


$200 USD for 1 child per month

Accomodations include





Copyright Creative Commons-SOPUDEP Grassroots Organization | Feature Photographer Darren Eli

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